Universal: Harry Potter World

Welcome to my travel guide on Harry Potter World in Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida!


For some odd reason I never read the Harry Potter series as a child. I had only seen the first two movies with a friend who was obsessed and I never really understood why. Until quarantine. I had nothing else to do but read the seven book series. After finishing, I became all about Harry Potter and I’m so mad at myself for not reading these when I was younger. Once I have finished reading all the books and watching the movies I knew I needed to book a trip to Universal ASAP.

We spent three nights at Universal and that was the exact amount of time you really needed to be able to see everything in both parks. Anytime longer than that would have just been too repetitive.

We went in the third week of June and let me tell you it was hot. Water will be your best friend. I would love to go back to Universal again maybe in October when the weather is a big cooler, the crowds would be smaller and the Halloween decor would fit the Harry Potter aesthetic quite nicely.

Because I was only there for a few days, I wanted to make sure we experienced all you can while. I had watched so many YouTube videos and read so many blogs on Universal so I will be sharing them with you below. Enjoy!



Universal's Endless Summer Resort - Dockside Inn and Suites

7125 Universal Blvd, Orlando, FL 32819

Hotel Website

When I first started looking into where to stay for Universal- there was a couple different options. The first was just to get a hotel in Orlando, the second was at a Universal hotel or third Airbnb. My mind usually leans toward an Airbnb but only because I would’ve assumed that staying at Universal would’ve been out of our price range. But after doing some research staying at Universal is THE best and only option when visiting Universal.

Overall, the hotel was basically new, so it was very clean and quiet. There was a great pool with an outdoor bar and a cafe to get food and drinks from and for a good price. Would stay again and would recommend.


Benefits of Staying at a Universal Hotel


Starting off- on the Universal website you are able to bundle your ticket to the park hand in hand with your hotel. Kill two birds with one stone. There is the option to have your payment split into two so it is not fully all upfront, which is great to be able to save up more leading up to the trip.


If you are flying into Orlando- you are also able to add in transfer from the airport to the hotel. You are able to do a round trip ticket that way you wont have to rely on a taxi or Uber to bring you. They know exactly what time your flight lands and departs for when you are leaving for a quick and easy way to get to your hotel. It is around a 25 minute ride from the Orlando airport to the hotel.


Along with transportation to the hotel, the hotel will provide free buses to the parks. We got on the first shuttle which leaves left around 6:30 AM which means we were up at 5 AM three days in a row. The shuttle leaves every ten minutes and is a quick drive there. Once you get off the bus at the park, you will have to wait a little to enter into security. Once through security, you will have to wait outside of the park to get in at 8am. It overall is a decent amount of waiting, but you either wait in line at the rides or wait for the park to open with less people around for an hour.


But the most important benefit to staying at the Universal hotel- GETTING ENTRANCE AN HOUR EARLY TO THE PARK BEFORE THE PUBLIC. This is an absolute game changer. This allows you to spend time in the park with only other Universal hotel guests (they check your hotel room keys so you really can’t sneak in) with probably only a couple hundred people at a time instead of the thousands that come to Universal each day. You can use this time to take picture, go in lines for the big rides or just enjoy the park without the crowds. The park opens at 8am for hotel guest and 9am to the rest of the public.


If you do stay at a Universal Hotel and want to buy something from the shops in the parks, while checking out, you can ask cashier to deliver it to the hotel for you so you don’t have to carry it around all day. You can then pick it up at the guest services desk the next day.

Once in Universal



There are two parks in Universal. Island of Adventure and Universal Studios. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter is split between both parks. Hogsmeade can be found in Island of Adventure while Diagon Alley is in Universal Studios. If you have the park to park pass you are able to transfer from park to park via the Hogwarts Express.

It’s vacation- nobody wants to set alarms, but in this case, waking up as early as possible to head is the parks is the best advice I could give you. The crowds really do get bigger and bigger as the afternoon goes on. Unless you have the Express passes- then you’re golden. But if you didn’t want to spend $700 more on those tickets- getting there early prevents waiting in long lines.


Island of Adventure

Island of Adventure is slightly larger than Universal. If you are a big roller coaster person- I would suggest heading to Island of Adventure first. The biggest Harry Potter roller coaster is Hagrid’s Magical Creature- which is in this park. People were running to get to the ride and for good reason. Later in the afternoon the ride can have a wait time for up to 3 hours… which never goes down. Outside of Harry Potter World, Island of Adventure also homes the other bigger rides, such as The Hulk and Jurassic Park. Rides I personally too afraid, but my roller coaster loving cousin had a blast on.

What Island of Adventure has in the Harry Potter World:

  • Hogsmeade

  • A realistic view of the castle

  • Butterbeer cart

  • Shops (similar shops in Diagon Alley)

    • Honeydukes

      For Rides:

  • Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure

    • The most popular and sot out ride in Hogsmeade. I would try to make this the first thing you do while entering Island of Adventure. I told myself I would go on every Harry Potter ride and this is the one that I was most afraid of. Hagrid brings you through journey in the forbidden forest where you do go backwards, have a big drop and go through some twists and turns very fast. If you love roller coasters, this is nothing compared to the Hulk. But you’ll survive if roller coasters aren’t your thing. Go on the sidecar seat- apparently it is less scary point of view.

  • Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey

    • This 4D ride takes you through a journey in Hogwarts. You really do feel as though you are walking through Hogwarts even though it is in a giant warehouse. Approved by the non roller roaster person as not scary.

  • Flight of the Hippogriff

    • A small roller roller that gives a great view of the castle.

  • Hogwarts Express

    • The train that brings you from one park to the next.


Universal Studios


In Universal Studios you have-

  • Diagon Alley

  • Downtown London

    • 12 Grimmauld Place to spot Kreacher peeking through the curtains

    • Dial 62442 (MAGIC) to hear a recording from the Ministry of Magic in the red phone book

    • The Knight Bus

    • Gringottos

      • Can exchange muggle money for galleons

    • Shops

      • Ollivanders Wand Shop

        • Witness a wand choosing it's new owner

        • Can also buy the wand of your favorite character to use through the park

      • Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes

      • Sugarplum’s Sweet Shops

      • Magical Menagerie

      • Quality Quidditch Supplies

    • Go down Knockturn Alley



  • Harry Potter and the Escape from Gringotts

    • Not as much as a rollercoaster but more of a 3D experience going through Gringotts Bank, the Wizarding Bank.

Overall, between the two parks, I was overwhelmingly impressed with what Universal created here. The Harry Potter fans have a place to really feel like they are apart of this world that they love so much. I personally preferred Diagon Alley for immersing into the world, I like going into each shop over the rides. But each and every ride was fun and scary at the same time. I do think you can do both parks in one day- but having at least two days allows you to really experience it all without the rush.



In each park, there is one sit down restaurant you can eat at. At Island of Adventures, there is the Leaky Cauldron. The small dark hub Harry where Harry spent time during one summer. At this restaurant they have tradition British foods like bangers and mash, fish and chips, stew, and shephard’s pie.

Where as in Island of Adventures you can head to Three Broomsticks, where Harry had a butterbeer for the first time. Similar menu to Leaky Cauldron, but has some more American things like turkey legs and ribs. I had the fish and chips and they also were better than I expected. If you are looking for just drinks (alcoholic or non alcoholic) Hog’s Head is a bar attached to the Three Broomsticks.

My absolute FAVORITE thing I had in Harry Potter World was the strawberry and peanut butter ice cream from Florean Fortescue's Ice-Cream Parlour. I still think about it to this day. A combo I never expected to be fabulous as it is. My cousin got the butterbeer flavor which was great as well! Nothing better than ice cream on a hot day.


You can try food from the Harry Potter Universe-

  • Gilly Weed

  • Butterbeer

    • In the warmer months can get it frozen or winter time can get it warm like a hot chocolate. Must get!

  • Pumpkin Juice

  • Chocolate Frogs

    • TBH- not that good. More fun to buy for the experience but the chocolate isn’t that good

  • Flavored beans

  • Fizzing Whizzbees

General Dining Tips-

  • In order to eat breakfast at either The Three Broomsticks or Leaky Cauldron you must have a reservation. We did not know this and thought you can order whenever but they would not allow us in. Instead we went to the Starbucks in a different part of the park.

  • Download the Universal App while you are waiting in line to preorder what you want and they will bring the food to your table

  • You can get a butterbeer at any restaurant- but there is also carts outside of the restaurants if you want to grab one quickly

If you have the option to eat at each restaurant, I would highly suggest it. It really is so realistic like you are actually there with the golden trio. The menu’s itself are similar but also different at the same time. To be honest, I had low expectations on the food since it is a theme park but was pleasantly surprised at how well all of the food was.



Here is the breakdown of the prices for the entire trip-

  • Hotel Payment for 3 nights (split with 1 other person): $200

  • 2 Day Park to Park Pass: $336

  • Airport to Hotel Transfer Round Trip: $30

  • Roundtrip flight from Boston to Orlando: $264

Total Pricing without food costs: $830


  • If you are big into roller coaster, carrying the least amount of stuff is the best route

    • Universal will provide lockers for you to put your bags in for selected rides where you cannot bring on anything

    • You unlock your locker through your phone or ticket

  • Try to plan your trip based off how big the crowds will be. Think of summertime when the kids are out of school is always busy, avoid then

    • The lines get really long for everything from rides to restaurants so hit the most popular lines first or during dining times

  • Most important- HAVE FUN

Jenna Willard