And so it begins....

Welcome to my blog break from the routine! I believe life is too short to pay bills and work without seeing the beautiful world we live in. I have always dreamed about going everywhere and anywhere. You can even ask my mom the temper tantrum I threw when I couldn’t go on the high school trip to Europe. 

On this platform, I will be going into more detail of my travel tips and itineraries than on my Instagram. I started my Instagram a couple months before launching the blog, mainly out of fear of not knowing how to even start a blog. 

Let it be known- I never thought I was a good writer. My essays in school were filled with grammar and spelling mistakes constantly. I never felt confident in my writing. Especially that one time in AP English senior year of high school we were practicing for the writing prompt section of the AP test.  We had 15 minutes to answer the question. Our answers were then photocopied and passed to everyone in the class. Sitting in a circle, we went person by person reading their answers critiquing it. When it got to me- everyone only had negative things to say but ended it with “but you tried” to soften the blow. I started silently crying to myself while listening to everyone’s take on my essay because I knew it wasn’t good and didn't need anyone to tell me that. That really killed any positive thoughts I had about writing for a long time.

But today, my costar horoscope said “fear collapses the imagination.” For so long, I wanted to do this but was thinking- “will people even read this? Am i wasting time doing this? So many people have the same type of blog, what makes me different?” But I have so much to say about traveling- and can talk about it for hours and hours on end. And I just had to stop thinking and JUST GO FOR IT. 

Cannot wait to become my own version of Carrie Bradshaw, except I’ll be saying “and I couldn’t help but wonder” a lot less. 

Thanks for reading-


xo Jenna