Florence Travel Guide

Welcome to my Florence Italy Travel Guide.







Florence is considered the rebirth of the modern culture and home to some of the greatest masterpieces from the Renaissance time period. It’s hard to describe a place that means so much to me, but if I had to put in a few words- captivating and enchanting. A real life storybook setting if you will. The city is small enough to walk from one end to other. Each cobblestone street leads you to a path where so much history has happened.

I may be biased in this opinion, Florence is the best city in the Europe to visit. Some may say to only spend a day or two in Florence and I get why they do say that. On a scale, Florence is much smaller than other larger Italian cities like Rome or the Amalfi Coast. However, there is plenty to see and do in Florence for everyone. If you are in Europe to shop- Florence has it. If you are history buff- you’ll never be bored here. If you’re a foodie- the restaurants and wine are the best in the world.

As you may have known, I studied abroad in Florence during my 2015 fall semester of college like many others. Friends and family of mine are always asking for Florence recommendations- so see below for all my favorite places to eat and what to visit!


Currency: Euros

Language: Italian is the main language in Florence. Most people speak English as well, but they will start speaking to you first in Italian. Helpful to know a few key words but I would not stress about knowing the language too well before heading there.

Safety: Overall, Florence is a very safe city. Petty crimes such as pit pocketing is the only crime I had heard of during the four months I was there. As always be aware of your surroundings, but safety should not be your biggest concern when coming to Florence.

Weather: Much like most of Europe- Florence still experiences seasons. Some many assume because Florence is in Italy it stays warm all year round- but that is not true. Be prepared for warm summer and cold winters.

Bonus tip: If you are traveling during the summer, double check your hotel or airbnb has AC. Some of the older buildings are not equipped for AC and you’re going to want that in the middle of August. My apartment when I studied abroad did not have it and it was brutal. The apartment did not also have screens which meant mosquitoes buzzing around your ear all night too. By early October the heat went down.


Walking, walking, walking! You can really get around in Florence from one end of the city to the other in under 30 minutes. There is of course taxis and buses you may take but in all honestly I never really used either, just walking.

If you are traveling from the airport to the city center Florence, a cab is around 40-50 euros for a 15-20 minute ride or a 20 minute bus ride that leaves right from the airport.

Florence is in the central Tuscany regions which allows travel throughout the rest of Italy sustainable by train or car. Some day trips that are possible from Florence: Venice, Rome, Tuscany, San Gimignano, Cinque Terre, Pisa and Perugia. The list can go on and on….



Address: Ponte Vecchio, 50125 Firenze FI, Italy

Ponte Vecchio (translation old bridge) is the oldest bridge in Florence dating back to 1345! (I wonder how they got that name) Today, the Ponte Vecchio now is an area for shops, mainly jewelry stores with live bands filling the street with music as your scroll. One of my favorite things to do in Florence is to sit on the parallel bridge to the Ponte Vecchio with a bottle of wine and admire the view.

Me in 2015 during my semester in Florence vs below in 2022!

Piazza Michelangelo

Address: Piazzale Michelangelo, 50125 Firenze FI, Italy

Piazza Michelangelo is my favorite part of the city and an absolute must do. The square overlooks all of Florence in a panoramic view FOR FREE! No cost is needed while visiting Piazza Michelangelo. However, it is a hike to get up there- lots of steep stairs. If you want to conserve your energy, take a taxi up there or wear comfortable shoes for the hike up. Anytime of day is going to be a magical experience, but sunset is on a whole different level.


Address: Piazza del Duomo, 50122 Firenze FI

In the center of the city is one of the largest churches in the world. Built in the 15th century, the Duomo is one of the most eloquent examples of Gothic architecture. The Duomo defined the start of the Renaissance and to think that it is still standing strong after 600 years is captivating.

I would suggest doing a full tour because truly is a masterpiece. You can pre book tours in advance (definitely with one with the line or visiting the exterior is free. If you are willing to go up 400+ steps to the top, you’ll see some of the best views of the city but you must book a tour that includes the Brunelleschi Dome.

TIP: If you ever get lost in Florence, lookup and find the Duomo and it will lead you back to the center of the city.

Piazza di Santa Croce

Address: Piazza di Santa Croce 50122 Firenze FI, Italy

In central Florence, Piazza Santa Croce is one of the main squares in Florence and gets its name from the Basilica di Santa Croce, one of the largest Franciscan churches in Italy. This is one of the burial place of well-known artists of the Renaissance people such as Galilei, Foscolo, Michelangelo and Machiavelli. During Christmas time, this Piazza holds the Christmas Markets that are so charming and festive.

Boboli Gardins and Pitti Palace

Address: Piazza de' Pitti, 1, 50125 Firenze FI, Italy

On the other side of the Ponte Vecchio is Pitti Palace and the Boboli Gardens. This was once the home of the Medicis, that all-powerful Florentine banking families ornate furnishings and Italian art. Directly behind Pitti Palace

I would definitely buy tickets in advance before going to this.

Galleria degli Uffizi

Address: Piazzale degli Uffizi, 6, 50122 Firenze FI, Italy

The Uffizi Gallery is home to some of the best works of art from the Renaissance, including The Birth of Venus. Even if you are not the best art lover, a stroll through the museum and to take in the architecture is worth the trip alone.

Piazza della Repubblica

One of Florence’s cities square, Piazza Della Repubblica is a middle point between Pointe Vecchio and the Piazza del Duomo. Here in this Piazza is the 15th-century Column of Abundance, which is where the Roman forum once was, shops, restaurants and a carousel. Some famous restaurants in the area- Caffé Gilli, Caffé Paskowski and Caffé delle Giubbe Rosse which were meeting points for many of the city's artists and writers in the past. If you stay on Via Roma you will find Piazza Della Repubblica.

Galleria dell’ Accademia

Address: Via Ricasoli, 58/60, 50129 Firenze FI, Italy

Another one of Florence’s museums is the Galleria Dell’ Accademia where the famous David by Michelangelo is homed. Smaller than Galleria degli Uffizi but still worth a visit even if you only want to see the David. I would try to order tickets in advance for this or go right before they close to avoid long lines.

San Lorenzo Leather Market

Address: Via dell'Ariento, 28, 50123 Firenze FI, Italy

The San Lorenzo market was located close to my apartment and I would walk through here quiet a lot. Bring cash and work on your negotiation skills to get some authentic leather items. Inside the label is a stamp to prove its authentic leather so always check that before you buy. The men who work the stands are pushy and want the sales desperately, but remember you are in power here.

Palazzo Vecchio and Piazza della Signoria

Address: Piazza della Signoria, 50122 Firenze FI, Italy

Located in Piazza Della Signoria, Palazzo Vecchio was built in the thirteenth century by the same architect who designed the Duomo. It was built to host city hall public meetings and ceremonies. This is the main historical square of the city with various statues lined up in front of the Palazzo Vecchio, including a copy of Michelangelo's David. Also the Uffizi museum as it’s adjacent to it.

If you want to see a top view of the city and for some reason the Duomo is booked or the line is too long- head to Palazzo Vecchio. I actually think this view is better because the Duomo is in your view. If you don’t want to do a full tour of the Palazzo you can enter into the courtyard for a sneak peak.

Sip Wine From An Ancient Wine Door

Address: Via Santo Spirito, 21R, 50125 Firenze FI, Italy and multiple locations around the city

During the Bubonic plague in the 17th century, shops installed little windows of a way to distributing food and drink to avoid coming into contact with their customers and getting infected. Known in Italian as Buchette del vino -exact translation little wine doors. There are 14 still left in Florence. Babae in Piazza Santo Spirito is one of the more popular places.

gucci MUSEUM

Address: Piazza della Signoria, 10, 50122 Firenze FI, Italy

The Gucci Garden is in Piazza della Signoria and traces the evolution of Gucci. Each room is decorated on past Gucci collections and is a fun experience if you love all things fashion.


For a travel guide for a city like Florence, when it comes to food, the options are overwhelming. I could very much be missing out on some astonishing places, so below are places I have personally been to and drool about years later. Unfortunately I don’t have the chance to hit every restaurant in Florence but feel free to comment any of your favorite places!

A tip- like most cities, there are plenty of tourist trap restaurants in Florence. Although it is Italy and there is a big chance the food will end up being okay, still do do your research beforehand to avoid paying for a meal you didn’t like.


Address: Piazza Mercato Centrale 26R, 50123, Florence, Italy

Our taxi driver who picked us up from the airport, he said that we needed to go to Zaza’s. I always kept it in the back of my mind and it wasn’t until later on in the semester we decided to check it out. It was right in our neighborhood and couldn’t believe it was right near us this whole time. They have an ENTIRE menu dedicated to just truffle items. The truffle ravioli’s…. I daydream about.

Osteria Santo Spirito

Address: Via De' Michelozzi 13/r | Santo Spirito, 50125, Florence, Italy

This is a place where you would need a reservation and couldn’t just walk into since it is a smaller restaurant. Highly suggest the gnocchi- best around in my opinion.

Gusta Pizza

Address: Via Maggio, 46/red, 50125 Firenze FI, Italy

Gusta Pizza is one of the top famous pizza places in Florence. Some may say it’s a tourist trap- but I loved it!

La Giostra

Address: Borgo Pinti, 10/18R, 50121 Firenze FI, Italy

Great authentic Tuscan food.

All’Antico Vinaio

Address: Via dei Neri 74R 50122 Florence Italy

One of the top rated sandwich places ever!

Nobile Bistrò

Address: Piazza di Madonna degli Aldobrandini, 13, 50123 Firenze FI, Italy

One of my other favorite panini places.

Osteria del Gatto e la Volpe

Address: Via Ghibellina, 147/r, 50122 Firenze FI, Italy

Everything at this place is so delicious and not expensive and the staff is family oriented and super friendly. They would always give us shots post dinner and was a fan favorite among the other girls

La Ménagère

Address: Via de' Ginori, 8/R, 50123 Firenze FI, Italy

trattoria 13 gobbi

Address: Via del Porcellana, 9R, 50123 Firenze FI, Italy

La Milkeria

Address: Borgo degli Albizi, 85r/87r, 50122 Firenze FI, Italy

Go for the crepes!

Gelato: Gelateria dei Neri

Address: Via Dei Neri 9/11R, 50122, Florence, Italy

My FAVORITE GELATO SHOP OF ALL TIME. My roommate and I probably went here minimum four times a week. I always got salted caramel and nutella. I have tried a few other gelato places around Florence but nothing will compete with this. I have no other suggestions lol.

Cannolis: Arà è Sicilia 

Address: Via degli Alfani, 127R, 50122 Firenze, Italy

Secret Bakery

Address: Pasticceria Vinci & Bongini Santa Croce-Walk down Via dei Benci towards the river, making a right onto Pizza Peluzzi, then the first right onto Via del Canto Rivalto.

From 2-6am bakers are up starting to prep for their day and during the wee hours of the night you can get a fresh pastry for 1 euro. You will know you are starting to get close when you can smell all of the goods baking.


  1. Cash only.

  2. Be quiet and respectful of the people who live in the area.

  3. Knock softly.

  4. Know what to get. I always would order cornetto con nutella (nutella croissant)


  • Rasputin

  • Bitter Bar

  • Gosh

  • Art Bar

  • Ebby’s

  • Freddy’s

  • The Lion’s Fountain 

  • Space 

  • L’imprtstore 

My street I lived on when I studied abroad!

Thanks for checking my blog post about my favorite place!

xoxo Jenna